Waste Water Plants

Sewage is created by residential, institutional, commercial and industrial establishments. It includes processes to remove physical, ...

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Water Treatment Plants for drinking water

Water Treatment Plants for drinking water for municipalities, communities or private and domestic users.With proper designs adapted ...

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Industrial Water

Water treatment of Industrial Processes to obtain an optimum quality in water.We treat waters that have been contaminated in some way ...

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Public, community, camping or private swimming pools.Innovative designs, thosethat define a personal style.Also conventional ...

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Chemical Products

Chemical products of high quality for treating the water. Water treatment for drinking water: coagulants, disinfecting products, ...

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Pumping systems and water transport made with high quality manufacturing brands. We incorporate technical innovations to fight ...

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Water engineering

Engineering, studies, design and projects. Biboaqua has a Technical Office with a group of engineers with a wide range experience, ...

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Running and maintenance of facilities and plants. We know that it is essential to develop a good management of running so that the ...

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Installations, ready to go

Contruction, execution and starting of installations and plants. The company is provided with a staff of multidisciplinary ...

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